Funny Indian Advertisement

One of our loyal readers, that is, one of 3.5 readers that we have (.5 are for those who just look at the pictures & don’t read) sent us this really funny Indian ad from a matrimonial website On this blog, we tend to focus on a lot but Jeevan Saathi does the same thing and has the same weirdos on it.You may have noticed that it takes us a very long time to get to the point on our posts. But hey that’s what makes us interesting and hilarious right?!!!

Anyhow, what I basically wanted to say was that hey you should check out this ad because it’s hilarious! I just hope my dad doesn’t get too inspired and start doing the same.

Stay tuned for some news on a new dude called ‘Mr Linku’ who doesn’t “pingu”. Don’t ask…Northie is a bit weird and says a lot out of weird shit.

Lots of love,

From the deep South