Aziz Ansari is in da house y’all

Aziz Anasari a.k.a Tom Haverford on Parks and Recreation

After reading his interview, I feel like Aziz and I (yes we are on a first name basis) are totally on the same page when it comes to love and marriage. We both also have a South Indian background and of course we both are just hilarious! Just saying y’all…I’m really like this y’all today, don’t ask why. It’s got nothing to do with Britney Spears – I was a fan, but it’s all in the past. Everyone has a past ok.

I absolutely loved a lot of the things Aziz had to say about dating and marriage, even arranged marriage. Here are some of my favorite excerpts and my thoughts too!

When you meet someone you really like and connect with, I think that’s very special, and not to be taken for granted. They discuss this in Before Sunset, one of my favorite films, in a way that really struck a chord with me. Julie Delpy’s character says when she was younger, she thought she’d meet many people of the opposite sex that she would have a special, deep, personal connection with, but as she got older, she realized that’s not the case, and you realize how rare those kind of connections really are. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found I agree with this sentiment.

Hellooooo! Before Sunset is one of my favorite films too! See, I told you we have so many things in commons. But yes, as I get older, I find that when it comes to friendships and dating it really is a lot harder to connect.

When people hear about an arranged marriage, they immediately think, “Oh my God! Do they hate each other? Ahhhh!” But wouldn’t that be just as fair a question if it was a non-arranged marriage?

After reading more into it, my impression of arranged marriage is that it’s your parents saying, “Let’s find a good person for our kid to start a family with. Let’s find a good family to bring into our family.” That seems reasonable, right? Of course, it probably doesn’t work out for everyone as well as it did for my parents, but again, the same could be said of non-arranged marriages. I’d put my parents’ happiness up against any old white couple that had a non-arranged marriage.

That’s what we keep saying here. Arranged marriage is totally reasonable and practical guys….

In this era, we have more choice than any group of people ever. When you are out at night, anyone in the universe can contact you instantly. Think about how crazy that is compared to even a few decades ago. There was an article I read about a guy who started online dating and went on all these dates. He was in this one relationship, and he said normally, he would have probably moved in with her and likely married her, but because he knew about all the choices he had with online dating, he broke it off and ventured back out to find someone who was a better fit. Shit like that is super-interesting to me.

Hmmmm really? That’s just sad man.  We are one confused lot – our generation. Will it only get worse or will things change once we get more accustomed to all these technological changes? I don’t know. But I’m definitely not liking the way things are now.

I don’t want to get married tomorrow, but I also don’t want to sit around dealing with stupid texting games or whatever. Maybe it’s that I’m turning 30 this year? Look, I like going out and I like being single, but a growing part of me would rather just stay home, cook food with someone I really like, and do nothing. Well, that’s not a really strong pitch, “Come cook food with me and do nothing.” Maybe that’s my problem.

Can I just say, I’m single. I hate the stupid texting games. And I have no problem staying at home and cooking with someone. I don’t even want to get married tomorrow. Maybe the day after? Haha what a bad joke!Yooohooo Aziz?

Maybe we should rename our blog to Arranging a Aziz Ansari. That would work really well – AAA!